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MSPnet Academy: Finding Common Ground: A Taxonomy for Identifying and Describing STEM Schools


In 2013, the National Research Council published “Monitoring Progress Toward Successful K-12 STEM Education: A Nation Advancing?” That report includes 14 indicators for tracking the nation’s progress and called for a national-level monitoring and reporting system to measure them. In an effort to move towards such a system, the National Science Foundation funded efforts to conduct exploratory work and lay the foundation for the development of measures of the 14 indicators.

This webinar is sharing work focused on the first of those indicators: Number of, and enrollment in STEM-focused schools and programs in each district. Presenters will share their developing work-- a STEM School taxonomy-- that is designed to enable the STEM education community to communicate with one another about STEM schools clearly, and about STEM School research in ways that will support knowledge accumulation. Participants will be invited to provide input on the developing work.